Are Hemp Oil Tinctures Safe To Use?

There's been a lot said about the benefits of consuming cannabis, such as it may help alleviate pain and anxiety. While there are many ways to consume the drug, hemp oil tinctures provide the necessary active ingredient responsible for the health benefits without many of the problems, such as the telltale smell that could get people in trouble at work or with family members. However, are hemp oil tinctures really safe to use? Read More 

3 Reasons You Should Consider Taking Supplements To Support Your Liver

Just above your stomach inside of your body, there is a rather large organ that works incredibly hard to help keep your body healthy, but the liver rarely gets the attention it deserves. This organ is responsible for filtering toxins out of your bloodstream to feed back to the rest of your body. There are many liver supplements, supplements that support liver health, and even herbal supplements designed to aid this organ in its function. Read More 

When Cold Sores Keep Coming Back: How Dietary Supplements Can Prevent Breakouts

Cold sores that occur around your mouth are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Unfortunately, once you've been exposed to this virus, then these nasty lesions can reoccur even if you're careful. However, you can certainly reduce the frequency of breakouts with preventative care. Take a look at why your cold sores may keep coming back and how you can deter future breakouts with natural cold sore prevention: Why Do Cold Sores Keep Coming Back? Read More 

4 Reasons To Take A CBD Hemp Oil Supplement

CBD hemp oil, which is extracted from the marijuana plant, is growing in popularity, even among people who do not smoke marijuana. Since CBD oil does not contain any THC, taking it does not cause a high, but still, provides many of the medical benefits of marijuana. Here are four reasons to try CBD oil as a supplement: CBD Hemp Oil Offers Natural Pain Relief CBD hemp oil is known for its natural pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Read More 

6 Significant Benefits of Natural Hemp Oil

You have likely heard the hoopla surrounding hemp oil, but what exactly are the benefits? Natural hemp oil offers a slew of holistic perks that make it a viable resource for overall health and wellness. Want to know more? Talk with your providers about adding hemp oil to your daily regimen. Six significant benefits of natural hemp oil are: 1. It boosts your body's immunity. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds, which can help boost your body's immunity against illness, as it is full of antioxidants. Read More